Always preferring to photograph real people, than draw them, as the camera can do a better job, I have always veered away from drawing people and real items/objects, Also as you will see on this website I have loved to draw animated characters best as I love all the colours they incorporate but I also love a challenge and so this is my new page specially for portrait drawings. Please remember I am entirely self taught and as I progress with this page I hope you will see a noticeable improvement as I settle into this new phase.
I will also be taking commissions for portraits and any displayed here will be available for sale and as greeting cards/sets. Use contact form to enquire. Thank You.
I have available a special limited edition presentation set. See this video for details
. Others included are Father Dyson-aka John Castle, Mrs Marshall aka Margery Mason, Mahdav aka Sam Dastor, Bob Harris as Bob Harris, June aka Doremy Vernon. Use contact form to order/ info
Always preferring to photograph real people, than draw them, as the camera can do a better job, I have always veered away from drawing people and real items/objects, Also as you will see on this website I have loved to draw animated characters best as I love all the colours they incorporate but I also love a challenge and so this is my new page specially for portrait drawings. Please remember I am entirely self taught and as I progress with this page I hope you will see a noticeable improvement as I settle into this new phase.
I will also be taking commissions for portraits and any displayed here will be available for sale and as greeting cards/sets. Use contact form to enquire. Thank You.
I have available a special limited edition presentation set. See this video for details
. Others included are Father Dyson-aka John Castle, Mrs Marshall aka Margery Mason, Mahdav aka Sam Dastor, Bob Harris as Bob Harris, June aka Doremy Vernon. Use contact form to order/ info

Charlie Endell aka Iain Cuthbertson

Adam Faith (front view)

Hazel aka Lynn Dalby

Robin aka Richard O'Sullivan

Jo aka Sally Thomsett

Larry aka Doug Fisher 2

Chrissy aka Paula Wilcox

Mildred aka Yootha Joyce

George Roper aka Brian Murphy

The Colonel aka Desmond Llewelyn

Steve Ross aka Steve Hodson

Slugger aka Arthur English

Dora Maddox aka Gillian Blake

Ron Stryker aka Christian Rodska

Vivien Leigh

Robert Taylor

Jim Dale

Gina aka Charlotte Seeley 'Just Good Friends'

Norman Warrender aka John Ringham

Noel Gallagher

Peggy Lee

John Castle as Father Dyson in MADE

Gillian Bailey aka Callie in Follyfoot

Roy Harper as Mike Preston (MADE film)

Sam Dastor MADE